Monday, November 30, 2009

Teacher Collen course outline

Course Outline
Piboonbumpen Demonstration School
Burapha University

Course title: Pratom 2 Work Education
Subject code: work12101
Instructor: Colleen Siman E-mail ;
Credit hours: 1
School year 2009 -2010
Course description: This course is intended to teach the English words for basic everyday objects, skills and activities. Reading and writing skills are also encouraged through topic reinforcing worksheets.
Course learning indicators:
In accordance with the Thai curriculum of 2009, students should be able to use English in specified ways when they have completed each year of school.
By the end of Pratom 2 the student should show marked improvement in the following activities.
A. Understanding and interpretation
The student should be able to:
1. Follow simple verbal instructions.
2. Accurately pronounce common words.
3. Spell simple words using a combination of phonics and memorization.
4. Match pictures or objects to the correct word.
5. Answer simple questions about things around them.

B. Living and family
The student should be able to:
1. Understand the concept of work
2. Understand the benefits of working to help themselves and their families
3. Work independently and with others
4. Safely use appropriate materials, instruments and equipment to accomplish simple tasks
5. Work on tasks with enthusiasm, diligence and punctuality.
6. Understand why we need to conserve energy and other natural resources.

C. Design and technology
The student should be able to:
1. Understand and explain the benefits of objects and utensils used in daily life.
2. Identify objects used in the process of design and creation.
3. Identify a need or problem
4. Used creative and logical think to find a solution to the problem
5. Design and construct a simple item to solve the problem
6. Have an understanding of the benefits of some basic technology

D. Occupations
The students should be able to:
1. Identify common occupations
2. Match activities to an occupation

Course topics: This list contains the major categories of words and concepts to be learned during the year. Other supporting topics will be included as time allows.

1. Family
2. Houses, rooms and furnishings
3. Clothing
4. Clean environment indoors / outdoors
5. Personal hygiene
6. Nutrition
7. Household chores
8. Plants/ Animals
9. Occupations
10. Cooking

Course schedule:
Term 1 June – September Sections 1 - 4
Term 2 November – March Section 5 – 10

Text book: There is currently no text book. Materials will be provided by teacher.
Work sheets and flashcards are from various sources

Class format:
Work education class is a combination of academic learning and practical experience and will consist of a combination of oral instruction, teacher student interaction, student to student practice, hands on projects and written work. When topic is suitable, simple songs and games may be introduced.

Techniques -- Teaching Methodologies:

Repetition of vocabulary
Drilling spelling
Games and activities
Visual examples on the white board
Memorizing vocabulary
Quizzes and tests
Use of real life objects
Verbal explanations
Individual explanations
Additional worksheets
Flashcards to introduce vocabulary
Chants and songs
Acting out common household activities

Evaluation and grading:
Evaluation of the students at this age will consist of :
1. Completion of written work
2. Neatness of written work
3. Ability to match written word to a picture or object.
4. A written final exam
5. Improvement seen from week to week
6. Class participation
7. Completion of any projects
8. Completeness of WE notebook

The students will get a total of 100 possible points for the year. The points are split in two 50 point term grades.
Eighty (80) points of this grade is based on the completion and quality of the student’s daily work, class participation. The remaining 20 points are for the final test each term which are worth 10 points each.

Number of points Numerical Grade
80 – 100 4
75 - 79 3.5
70 – 74 3.0
65 – 69 2.5
60 – 64 2.0
55 – 59 1.5
50 – 54 1.0
0 – 49 0


Course Outline
Piboonbumpen Demonstration School
Burapha University
Course title: Pratom 1 Basic English Skills
Subject code: Eng 11201
Instructor: Colleen Siman E-mail:
Credit hours: 2
School year 2009 - 2010
Course description: This course is a beginning English course that concentrates on the skills needed to communicate using the English language. Reading, writing, speaking, listening and simple grammar topics will be taught.
Course learning indicators:
In accordance with the Thai curriculum of 2009, students should be able to use English in specified ways when they have completed each year of school.
By the end of Pratom 1 the student should show marked improvement in the following areas.
A. Understanding and interpretation
The student should be able to:
1. Follow simple verbal instructions
2. Write the English alphabet and recognize the sounds each letter makes
3. Spell common words using a combination of phonetics and memorization
4. Match pictures or objects to the correct written word
5. Answer simple questions about the people and things around them
6. Listen and respond appropriately in simple social situations

B. Reading and writing in various setting and presenting data
The student should be able to:
1. Read and write short conversations following models used in the classroom
2. Read simple instructions
3. Give simple data about themselves in writing

C. Language and culture
Students should be able to:
1. Speak and make accompanying gestures common to the culture of the native speaker
2. Name the festivals and the basic vocabulary associated with important foreign festivals
3. Participate in age appropriate cultural activities
4. Draw illustrations to accompany the words of a simple story

D. Language and learning

The student should be able to:

1. Understand basic terms used in other subjects at school
2. Use English as a tool to learn about the world around them

Course topics:

1. Question words and phrases
2. Pronouns
3. Questions and answers
4. Verb tenses
5. Nouns; singular and plural
6. A, an and the
7. Possessive
8. Review of current weeks vocabulary
9. Reinforcement of Let’s Go topics
10. Reinforcement of requests and commands

Learning objectives: Using the Lets Go topics we will focus on the skills required to communicate about various subjects. These are some of the areas we will be focusing on.

1. Ask and answer questions
2. Recite alphabet
3. Use proper pronouns
4. Match sounds to correct letter
5. Write letters properly and neatly
6. Read simple sentences
7. Match words to picture or object
8. Use phonics to help learn new words
9. Write simple sentences
10. Recognize a variety of sight words
11. Spell simple words
12. Follow simple directions

Course schedule: Using the books associated with the basic English Let’s Go book, we will review the vocabulary used while learning the language structure.
Term 1 June – September Units 1 – 4 will be covered at the pace of 2 pages a week
Term 2 November – March Units 5 – 8 will be covered at the pace of 2 pages a week
Class format:
The Basic English class will be a combination of oral instruction, teacher student interaction, student to student practice and written work. When topic is suitable, simple songs and games may be introduced.
Text book: Lets Go 3rd edition work book and skills book
Additional grammar lessons from “Doors to grammar”
Additional Phonics lessons from Lets Go Starter book and Lets Go phonics
Supplementary materials will be added as needed
Techniques -- Teaching Methodologies:

Repetition of vocabulary
Drilling conversations
Games and activities
Visual examples on the white board
Memorizing vocabulary
Reading from student book
Reinforcement in workbook
Quizzes and tests
Verbal explanations
Individual explanations
Additional worksheets
Flashcards to introduce vocabulary
Chants and songs
Acting out conversations

Evaluation and grading:
Evaluation of the students at this age will consist of :
1. 1 on 1 oral quizzes
2. Completion of written work
3. Neatness of written work
4. Ability to match written or spoken word to a picture or object.
5. A written final exam
6. Improvement seen from week to week

The students will get a total of 100 possible points for the year. The points are split in two 50 point term grades.
Eighty (80) points of this grade is based on the completion and quality of the student’s daily work, class participation. The remaining 20 points are for the final test each term which are worth 10 points each. This final exam is divided into two parts, an oral test and a written test. This allows the students that cannot read well to still get a good grade

Number of points Numerical Grade
80 – 100 4
75 - 79 3.5
70 – 74 3.0
65 – 69 2.5
60 – 64 2.0
55 – 59 1.5
50 – 54 1.0
0 – 49 0
Course Outline
Piboonbumpen Demonstration School
Burapha University
Course title: Pratom 1 Basic English
Subject code: Eng 11101
Instructor: Colleen Siman e-mail:
Credit hours: 1
School year 2009 - 2010
Course description: This course is a beginning English course that concentrates on simple questions and answers required for basic conversation. Beginning reading and writing skills are also encouraged.
Course learning indicators:
In accordance with the Thai curriculum of 2009, students should be able to use English in specified ways when they have completed each year of school.
By the end of Pratom 1 the student should show marked improvement in the following areas.
A. Understanding and interpretation
The student should be able to:
1. Follow simple verbal instructions
2. Recite the English alphabet and recognize the sounds each letter makes
3. Compare Thai letters and their sounds to the English alphabet
4. Accurately pronounce common words
5. Spell common words using a combination of phonetics and memorization
6. Match pictures or objects to the correct word
7. Answer simple questions about the people and things around them
8. Listen to and understand simple conversations

B. Conversation in various setting and presenting data
The student should be able to:
1. Speak in short conversations following models used in the classroom
2. Give simple instructions to others
3. Express their own needs and wants
4. Ask for and give simple data about themselves and others
5. Listen and respond appropriately in simple social situations

C. Language and culture
Students should be able to:
1. Speak and make accompanying gestures common to the culture of the native speaker
2. Name the festivals and the basic vocabulary associated with important foreign festivals
3. Participate in age appropriate cultural activities

D. Language and learning
The student should be able to:
1. Understand basic terms used in other subjects at school
2. Use English as a tool to learn about the world around them
Text book: Lets Go 3rd edition Student book - CD available
Course topics: This list contains the major categories of words to be learned during the year. Other supporting topics will be included as time allows.
1. Introductions
2. Things at school
3. Basic questions
4. Colors and shapes
5. Numbers 0 – 20
6. Greetings
7. Plural nouns
8. Family
9. The body
10. Age, birthdays and toys
11. Weather
12. Location prepositions
13. Days of the week
14. Food
15. Animals
16. Feelings
Course schedule:
Term 1 June – September Units 1 – 4 of the text will be covered at the pace of 2 pages a week
Term 2 November – February Units 5 – 8 of the text will be covered at the pace of 2 pages a week
Class format:
The Basic English class will be a combination of oral instruction, teacher student interaction, student to student practice and written work. When topic is suitable, simple songs and games may be introduced.
Techniques -- Teaching Methodologies:

Repetition of vocabulary
Drilling conversations
Games and activities
Visual examples on the white board
Memorizing vocabulary
Reading from student book
Reinforcement in workbook
Quizzes and tests
Verbal explanations
Individual explanations
Additional worksheets
Flashcards to introduce vocabulary
Chants and songs
Acting out conversations

Evaluation and grading:
Evaluation of the students at this age will consist of :
1. 1 on 1 oral quizzes
2. Completion of written work
3. Neatness of written work
4. Ability to match written or spoken word to a picture or object.
5. A written final exam
6. Improvement seen from week to week

The students will get a total of 100 possible points for the year. The points are split in two 50 point term grades.
Eighty (80) points of this grade is based on the completion and quality of the student’s daily work, class participation. The remaining 20 points are for the final test each term which are worth 10 points each. This final exam is divided into two parts, an oral test and a written test. This allows the students that cannot read well to still get a good grade.

Number of points Numerical Grade
80 – 100 4
75 - 79 3.5
70 – 74 3.0
65 – 69 2.5
60 – 64 2.0
55 – 59 1.5
50 – 54 1.0
0 – 49 0
Course Outline
Piboonbumpen Demonstration School
Burapha University

Course title: Pratom 1 Work Education
Subject code: work11101
Instructor: Colleen Siman E-mail ;
Credit hours: 1
School year 2009 -2010
Course description: This course is intended to teach the English words for basic everyday objects and activities. Reading and writing skills are also encouraged through topic reinforcing worksheets.
Course learning indicators:
In accordance with the Thai curriculum of 2009, students should be able to use English in specified ways when they have completed each year of school.
By the end of Pratom 1 the student should show marked improvement in the following activities.
A. Understanding and interpretation
The student should be able to:
1. Follow simple verbal instructions.
2. Accurately pronounce common words.
3. Spell simple words using a combination of phonics and memorization.
4. Match pictures or objects to the correct word.
5. Answer simple questions about things around them.

B. Living and family
The student should be able to:
1. Understand the concept of work
2. Work independently and with others
3. Safely use appropriate materials, instruments and equipment to accomplish simple tasks
4. Work on tasks with enthusiasm, diligence and punctuality.
5. Help work towards having a cleaner environment.

C. Design and technology
Although not required in this grade, it should be introduced as appropriate to increase the student’s future understanding of the many uses of technology in the world today.
The student should be able to:
1. Identify objects used in the process of design and creation.
2. Have an understanding of the benefits of some basic technology

D. Occupations

The students should be able to:
1. Identify common occupations
2. Match activities to an occupation

Course topics: This list contains the major categories of words and concepts to be learned during the year. Other supporting topics will be included as time allows.

1. Family
2. Houses, rooms and furnishings
3. Clothing
4. Clean environment indoors / outdoors
5. Personal hygiene
6. Nutrition
7. Household chores
8. Plants/ Animals
9. Occupations
10. Cooking

Course schedule:
Term 1 June – September sections 1 - 4
Term 2 November – February Section 5 – 10

Text book: There is currently no text book. Materials will be provided by teacher
Work sheets and flashcards are from various sources

Class format:
Work education class is a combination of academic learning and practical experience and will consist of a combination of oral instruction, teacher student interaction, student to student practice, hands on projects and written work. When topic is suitable, simple songs and games may be introduced.

Techniques -- Teaching Methodologies:

Repetition of vocabulary
Drilling spelling
Games and activities
Visual examples on the white board
Memorizing vocabulary
Quizzes and tests
Use of real life objects
Verbal explanations
Individual explanations
Additional worksheets
Flashcards to introduce vocabulary
Chants and songs
Acting out common household activities

Evaluation and grading:
Evaluation of the students at this age will consist of :
1. Completion of written work
2. Neatness of written work
3. Ability to match written or spoken word to a picture or object.
4. A written final exam
5. Improvement seen from week to week
6. Class participation
7. Completion of any projects
8. Completeness of WE notebook

The students will get a total of 100 possible points for the year. The points are split in two 50 point term grades.
Eighty (80) points of this grade is based on the completion and quality of the student’s daily work, class participation. The remaining 20 points are for the final test each term which are worth 10 points each.

Number of points Numerical Grade
80 – 100 4
75 - 79 3.5
70 – 74 3.0
65 – 69 2.5
60 – 64 2.0
55 – 59 1.5
50 – 54 1.0
0 – 49 0

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